22 May 2019  Watch the Video The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence from the bodies responsible for enforcing fisheries legislation in England and Scotland. Report: Fisheries: implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation (HTML) Report: Fisheries: implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation (PDF) ( PDF 618 KB) Parliament TV: Implementation […]

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Sea Shepard monitors French bass fishing fleet and the bycatch of dolphins Seas Shepard ‘Despite efforts by commercial fishing vessels to hide evidence that their nets are killing dolphins off the Atlantic coast of France, on the night of Tuesday February 19thSea Shepherd captured images of dead dolphins being hauled onboard two trawlers fishing in […]

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A plan to ban single-use plastic products such as disposable plates and straws has been agreed. EU member states and the EU parliament still have to give the provisional agreement the go-ahead. European lawmakers have reached an agreement on a ban of single-use plastic products, the Austrian presidency said in Brussels on Wednesday. The move is […]

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The EU Water Conference was held in Vienna in late September. The aim was to review progress on the implementation of EU water legislation. The event made the case for more integrated water management and found that the overall picture of Europe’s waters today is mixed. Much more needs to be done to achieve the objectives […]

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Bruce Horton update on Climate change and water 1.  State of the World’s Water As the latest UN Climate Change Conference kicks off in Germany, a new report on the state of the world’s water warns that 5 billion people could face water shortages by 2050, as a result of increased demand, pollution and climate […]

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